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The everyday grief of an "obsolete" mom
What is the reward of being a good mother to a blessedly healthy child? They leave you. How could it all be gone? Where did it go?
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My Worst Fear: Public Speaking (to Nobody)
What do you do when your worst fear actually happens?

Christmas Angels Among Us
When I was four years old, an angel left me my very own Christmas tree. I lay on a soft twin bed, tucked in the corner of a wood-paneled...
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"Burn Baby Burn"
[Author note: In recognition of this back-to-school time, here is a reprint of my blog about bullying. Many children are bravely...

Happy To Be “Too Sensitive”
My mother used to tell me, “You're too sensitive.” It was a repeated refrain, deployed when I cried too long or hurt too much. She said...
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A Dose of Compassion, Doctor's Orders
I have been a patient and a doctor, on both sides of the bed. I have sat with injured people, processing their trauma. I have also been...
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Six Calming Strategies for Dark Times
“Now is the winter of our discontent.” Although I quote Shakespeare, I really only know this line from my ninth grade obsession with the...

Come on Charlie
By Ken Giglio, guest author Every time I leave Florida and my 96-year-old father, like I did two weeks ago, I wonder how many more days...
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Learning Differently or, "The Candyman Can"
Once upon a time, I gave birth to a perfect little girl, with big blue eyes and a wide smile. She exuded peace and serenity. A friend of...
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Remembering on Memorial Day
On Memorial Day, we honor our nation’s fallen. I would like to write about those who gave their lives defending our country. However, I...
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What is Your Purpose?
What brings meaning to your life? I am not asking because I have the right answer. I am asking because I want you to have an answer, an...

Looking Back, Finding Meaning
I didn’t plan to visit my old house. Odd circumstances brought me there. Our friend’s mother died, and her funeral took us surprisingly...

Who Cares?
Guest Blog by Patrick Lombardi “Who cares?” my mom says. It’s her go-to response whenever someone criticizes her baked ziti or grumbles...
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Writers & Resilience
Guest blog by David R. Roth Resilience is commonly used to describe the capacity to overcome things like trauma, tragedy, or oppressive...

A Tough Fall
(Part 5 in the series Choosing More Surgery) I spoke to a psychic two weeks before my recent operations. The psychic is a friend, an...
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How to Actually Have a Happy Thanksgiving
(As currently featured in Psychology Today) Are you excited about Thanksgiving? Are you looking forward to getting together with your...

Somewhere Over My Rainbow(s)
(Part 4 in the series Choosing More Surgery) I have always loved “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” I identify with Dorothy in The Wizard of...

Why Me? Why Not Me?
(This is Part 3 in the series "Choosing More Surgery." See here for Part 1 and here for Part 2) “How are you doing today?” asked my...

I Hate Walter: Choosing more surgery (Part II)
(For Part I of this series, click here) “You need to make friends with it,” advised my surgeon. She smiled at me, her long straight...

Books that Heal
When I was 28 years old, I briefly dated a surgical resident. Perhaps like all surgeons, he was smart, decisive, and pleased with...
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